Good suggestions, but


NYT – An Agenda for South Korea’s New Leader

South Korea and Japan could work together much more to show a united front. Such coordination is undercut by persistent tension over the history of Japanese colonialism in Korea. South Korea’s historical concerns with Japan have legitimate roots, but there is too much exaggeration — such as routine suggestions in the media that Japan is remilitarizing with designs on Asia — and not enough recognition that modern Japan is a liberal democracy and a potential ally against the North.

Seoul and Tokyo should agree to avoid separate deals with the North and reject Pyongyang’s efforts to play them against each other. Mr. Moon and his left-wing base are hostile to a recently signed South Korea-Japan intelligence-sharing pact, but he should consider that South Korea benefits from it more than Japan. Military cooperation in adjoining air and sea spaces would be ideal.

I’m sorry Mr Kerry. What you are saying is all true, but sadly, Koreans are not rational people when it comes to Japan.

Continue reading “Good suggestions, but”

North Korea missile launch was training exercise to strike US bases in Japan

For the first time, NK officially admits..

N.Korea calls 4 missile test-launches success

The North’s official Korean Central News Agency said on Tuesday that artillery units tasked with striking US bases in Japan fired 4 ballistic missiles simultaneously under the watch of the country’s leader Kim Jong Un.

OK.. North Korea seems like they want to start a war against Japan.

Not surprising.

Stop fucking around and just reunite with South.

Just do it without outside interference(aka HELP) once in your history…Korean people!

Continue reading “North Korea missile launch was training exercise to strike US bases in Japan”

Moon Jae-in declares purging of “pro-Japanese parasites”

Oh yeah. The witch-hunt in 10 years ago all over again.

Moon Jae-in who is the leading presidential contenders with 32% of support is said to be a leftist pro-North Korea. And he is becoming the president of South Korea.


文 “반드시 친일청산” 安 “이승만도 대한민국”
2017-03-01 21:52

Moon Jae-in “Be sure to liquidate pro-Japanese”,  Ahn Hee-jung “Rhee Seungman also Korea”

야권 대선주자들은 제98주년 3·1절을 맞아 친일 청산과 임시정부 계승 등을 한목소리로 강조하며 애국행보를 벌였다.

The presidential candidates of the opposition held their patriotic rally emphasizing the liquidation of the pro-Japanese and succession of the interim government in the 98th anniversary of the March 31st.


더불어민주당 문재인 전 대표는 1일 “친일청산, 100년을 넘길 수 없다. 청산하지 못한 친일세력이 독재세력으로 이어지고 민주공화국을 숙주로 삼아왔다”고 친일 청산 의지를 분명히 했다.

In addition, former Democratic Party chairman Moon Jae-in said on January 1, “We can not exceed 100 years. The pro-Japanese forces that have not been liquidated have led to dictatorship and have made the Democratic Republic a host.


문 전 대표는 “나라다운 나라라면 공동체를 배반하고 억압한 세력을 벌해야 한다”고도 강조했다.

Moon emphasized, “If the country is a country, we should punish the repressive forces that betray the community.”


He obviously did not get the friendly advice from the US.

Wendy Sherman, US undersecretary of state for political affairs, told a conference on Friday that “Of course . . . it is not hard for a political leader anywhere to earn cheap applause by vilifying a former enemy,” she added, after pointing to various disagreements that relate to Japan’s colonial past. “But such provocations produce paralysis, not progress.
MARCH 2, 2015

Lee Jae-myung, another presidential candidate, says

“We are facing a diplomatic and security crisis because of incompetent and irresponsible pro-Japanese, dictatorial, and corrupt forces, and the vices of inequality and unfairness are thwarting opportunities for all South Koreans,” Lee declared.

As if, all of the troubles South Korea face today is pro-Japanese forces’ fault…


I’m 100% sure South Korea will end up calling (labeling) each other “pro-Japanese traitor!” and “pro-North commies!” and mess their country up. Idiots! This is just a politically motivated witch-hunt for gaining popularity. It’s a political poison that destroys not only destroys a target but everyone in the country.

And crazy thing is that, about 99% of the comments of the article are in favor of Moon and purging of pro-Japanese. But they even don’t know what “liquidation pro-Japanese”really means and who and who really qualify as “pro-Japanese”. If you defend Japan’s position, you get punished??  Scary.

South Koreans are saying the impeachment of the president Park and candle demonstrations are great REVOLUTION, but it reminds me of the Chinese Communist party’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution which was the most disastar for China ever done.

South Korea .. GROW UP

Dividing camps and taking side is not politics. Moo Jae-in, the frontrunner in the polls, wants to inherit Roh Moo-hyun’s spirit and follow his path. He has said, We have to start a revolution if impeachment fails” and wants to end “pro-Japanese, dictatorial vices.” His language could get too rough and divide the nation. Even if he could become president, his presidency may fail. Who cannot be sure that Moon Jae-in’s supporters would clash with his opponents trying to bring him down in Gwanghwamun Square a year later? Then, Korea would have no future.

Oh! by the way, do I get to see the spree of Anti-America and Anti-Japan riots[1],[2],[3] all over again too?  🙂

South Korean society today

In South Korean society today, all the Koreans must hate Japan and get rid of “Japan remnant(일제잔재)”, otherwise you are a traitor to Koreans and they will shut you up. Because “Pro-Japan” Koreans “sold Korea to Japan in 1910”, “Pro-Japan” are traitors and anything good Japan has done is concealed.

They just can’t stand the fact that Korean independence from China(Sino) was GIVEN by Japan in 1895 , again the independence from Japan was GRANTED by the UN(the US) in 1945. They just want to deny the facts or show that those were not because of Korea’s inability.

Continue reading “South Korean society today”